Ryecroft C.E. Middle School Ashbourne Road Rocester Staffordshire ST14 5PB

01889 590394

‘Love each other as I have loved you.’ (John 13, v 34-35)

Staff List


Name Main Role Other Roles
Miss K Rochester CEO Innovate2Educate Partnership
Mrs A Grattage - headteacher@rms.i2e.org.uk Headteacher Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mr M Hall - m.hall@i2e.org.uk Deputy Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Lead / Lead for Science
Mrs T Evans - office@rms.i2e.org.uk Business Manager Educational Visits Co-Ordinator/Lead for Health & Safety/Adult Mental Health First Aider/Clerk to Governors
Mr A Hughes - a.hughes@i2e.org.uk Head of Mathematics Deputy Safeguarding Lead / Pastoral Lead / Lead for Careers
Miss F Simon - f.simon@i2e.org.uk Head of English ECT Mentor / KS3A Form Teacher

Teaching Staff

Name Main Role Other Roles
Miss D Alston Teacher and Lead for Art and DT KS3D Form Teacher
Mrs N Bannister Teacher and Lead for PE, PSHCE and Computing KS3C Form Teacher
Miss L Brown Teacher Sheldon Form Teacher
Mrs L Doyle Teacher and Lead for Geography and History Arkwright Form Teacher
Miss K Holmes Teacher KS3B Form Teacher
Mr F Rouffet Teacher KS3B Form Teacher
Mrs E Trender Music Teacher
Mrs V Twynham Teacher and Lead for French and RE Heywood Form Teacher

Support Staff

Name Main Role Other Roles
Mrs J Pettitt - sendco@rms.i2e.org.uk SENDCo
Mrs L Nixon Administrative Assistant
Mrs R Whitehall Administrative Assistant

Classroom Support Staff

Name Main Role Other Roles
Mr J Collier Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Coope Science Technician
Miss L Haddock Cover Supervisor
Mrs P Jones Teaching Assistant
Ms P Kelly Teaching Assistant
Mrs A Neill Teaching Assistant

Site Supervisor

Name Main Role Other Roles
Mr P Brewster Site Supervisor Lunchtime Supervisor

Lunchtime Supervisors

Name Main Role Other Roles
Mrs S Simpson Lunchtime Supervisor
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